fredag 6 december 2013

English books

The Full Mounty

Lesson 1.

The book is about 3 men so far that are unemployed, they live in Sheffield. Gaz, who is an unemployed steel factory worker, has a son, Nathan, that helps him to steal. Dave, who is fat and doesn't like his body, also helps Gaz to steal girders. So they can sell them and make money. This book is written by Wendy Holden.

Lesson 2.

Last time they didn't make it to get the girder, so they needed new ideas to find money. Nathan, Gaz and Dave were together and walked down on the street, they saw a club, a strip club. Dave said that he's wife was there and was looking at The chippendales when they were dancing. The Chippendales is a group of men that dances for money. They are strippers. Gaz saw them and got a crazy idea that Dave didn't like, he wanted to be a stripper so he could get money!

Lesson 3

Dave and Gaz were running down on the street. They visited the Job club and saw that their boss Gerald was going to have a job interview with some people where his brother worked. Gaz asked Gerald if he could teach them to dance, and he answered ''no'' and left with the others. Gaz was angry and he wanted to destroy Gerald's job interview. He went out and walked to the window, He saw Gerald and took some gnomes and was pretending they were flying in the air. Gerald was all weird, thought the people in the room. And he didn't get the job...

Lesson 4

Gaz finally changed Gerald's mind to teach them how to dance, He was in the group. But they needed more people and Gaz was anxious about Dave, because he was fat. Anyway... they needed more people so they put up some signs on the trees in the city. A man stepped in, he was old and darkskinned. But he could dance, then a another man came in, he was so hot and the ladies would love him, but sadly he couldn't dance, and they were going to learn him.

Lesson 5

The group was ready to dance.. They trained for weeks now, and Gaz changed their name to Hot Steel. Everyone liked the name, but now they needed a place to perform their dance. The Club were the Chippendales was dancing in knew Gaz from when they was a kid. So Gaz met Alan (the club owner) and was talking about hire the club. Alan didn't want to give it to Gaz for free so he said that he needed to pay 100 pounds. Alan didn't have the money so his son, Nathan. Gave his dad the money that he needed. They were going to perform on Friday!

Lesson 6

On this lesson i finished reading my book called ''The Full Mounty''.

Saving private ryan

Lesson 7

I've started reading a new book called saving private ryan. It seems nice, and i like books like this one, about war and how it was in the old days. It started with some facts about the second world war. And i haven't read so much about it so we will see next time.

Lesson 8

It was actually good, the men were approaching the beach. Men were firing like a ran of bullets, many died, some was wounded, and some was dying, crying and yelled Mother! They said that the one who ran threw the beach was men. And after that, they were kids again. Captain Miller was the only captain alive, he tried to help the others to calm them down, but they continued to scream and cry.
But they did know that they was 2km away from the meeting.

Lesson 9

Okey, this was our last lesson to read, but i still want to continue reading. My vocabulary has increased very much, didn't thought it was gonna be easy reading books, but now i like books. First it was hard to understand texts but now it's so easy. I can read all types of books, the advanced ones and the easy ones. And i'm a fast reader now, first i was slow and didn't want to read books, but now, all that has changed. My writing skills is just being better and better, i know how to do better texts. Before i was always writing the same type of texts, now i can write different

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