fredag 22 november 2013

Magic English

Sort it out

1. When he was born, his Mom named him Forrest.
2. Then his father died.
3. He went to an ordinary school for a year.
4. He was put in a school where some children needed help to eat and go the toilet.
5. He grew six inches in six months.
6. A man in a car stopped him and asked him what his name was.
7. The man in the car and his Mom took him to a new high school.
8. He was now bigger and heavier than all the other boys in his school.

Read and answer

1. He began to play football with the high school team.
2. He met Jenny Curran in the school café.
3. A few days later,the boy and his friends started pushing and hitting Forrest. Then they ran after him across the football field.
4. Someone was watching this. Who? Coach Fellers.
5. That afternoon he gave Forrest a ball to run with.
6. It took eight of them to pull him down.
7. When he played is first game, Forrest ran over the goal line two or three times.
8. After this, people were really kind to him.


We've discussed.

Check the words

2 - e
3 - h
4 - j
5 - g
6 - a
7 - d
8 - i
9 - f
10 - b

Read and remember - Bruce Lee

1. Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco.
2. His father was a famous opera singer.
3. The family moved to Hong Kong in 1941.
4. He took up martial arts training after he was beaten up by a street gang when he was 12.
5. He left Hong Kong at the age of 19 to study in America at the university of Seattle.<<
6. He met his wife Linda while he was at university.
7. His nickname was the Little Dragon.
8. The Green Hornet series was fairly successful in Hong kong.
9. The film The Big Boss earned between $3-4 millions in less than three weeks.
10. He died in 1973.
11. His last film The Game of Death was completed using a stand-in.
12. Bruce Lee had two children.

The Future

1. It's going to melt.
2. He's going to drop it.
3. It's going to bite.
4. She's going to fall.
5. It's going to freeze.
6. He's going to score a goal.

You musn't cross the road while the light is red!
Help I can't swim!
Hooray! It's Saturday! We needn't go to school today.

What's a typical boy and girl?

1. like football and cars
9. love computers and technical things
10. can mend a bicycle puncture

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