tisdag 6 maj 2014

En sammanfattning av Ride along

Valuable = värdefull
artisanal = hantverksmässiga
arrange = ordna
revving = varvning
hooking = koppla
involuntary = ofrivillig
imitates = imitera, imiterar
intruder = inkräktare
patio = uteplats
prospective = blivande

Sammanfattning 20 min av Ride along

This movie is funny and got a lot of action, that's why i chose this movie.
It's about a cop, his name is James and the other guy Ben. He loves James' sister, but sadly, James doesn't like Ben, because he thinks he can't protect his sister. Ben wants to prove James that he can do that, so he joined the police academy. At first James didn't like that, but then he got an idea, he want to take him to a ride along..


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