tisdag 4 mars 2014

Engelska meningar

browsing - titta i affärer = I was browsing in the store but i didn't find milk. = Jag var och tittade i olika affärer.

girder – balk = This girder is not gonna hold anymore. = Jag tror vi behöver en ny balk eftersom denna är sliten. 

quid - ”spänn” = I found a quid in the basement yesterday. = Jag behövde bara några spänn för att kunna ha råd med denna cyklen.

lassie – tjej = That lassie is so cute. = Har du sett min tjej eller? Hon är riktigt het.

lad – kille = Me and my lads is going to play FIFA today. = Ser du killen där borta, han har en volvo.

kit – kläder = I want to buy a new kit for school tomorrow. = Jag behöver nya kläder tills imorgon, vilka tycker du passar mig?

daft – knäpp = Are you daft really? I'm not gonna go see here.

pride – stolthet = I'm not gonna let anyone beat me down, i want to keep my pride.

soaking – genomblöt = I fell in the river yesterday, i was all soaked.

numb – förlamad = I was hit by a car today, now i'm numb in my legs.

sole custody – ensam vårdnad = My wife wants to have sole custody, but i want to see my son.

joint custody – gemensam vårdnad = My husband wants to have sole custody, but i want joint custody with him, so we both can see our daughter.

on the dole – få arbetslöshetsunderstöd = I was fired from my job, now i'm getting on the dole.

court – domstol = I shot a guy some days ago, and today i'm going to a court for that.

nicking cars – sno bilar = Now that i don't have a job, so i'm nicking cars and then sell them for some money.

”ta” - tack = ta very much for that shirt you gave me.

”cheers” - tack = Cheers mate, i'm going to wear those pants tomorrow.

bugle player – kornettspelare = I'm one of the best bugle players in south america.

tubby – tjock, tjockis = Oh im getting really tubby cause all those ice creams.

audience – publik = I saw my friend performing for a big audience.

embarrassed – generad = I farted next to a cute girl and got embarrassed

bugger – jäkel, jävel = Someone stole my phone for a hour ago, i yelled your a bugger. 

nutter – knäppskalle - Are you a nutter? I wont let you have my phone! It costs 500 quid.

Piss off! - Dra åt helvete! = I saw my friend that took my girlfriend from me, i said piss off! and walked away.

Pal – kompis = My pal has been my best friend since we were babies.

gnome – tomte = My wife bought many gnomes so she could put them in the backyard.

queue – kö = Im at Gekås and there is the biggest queue

tart – slampa = My wife was with my best friend, what a tart!

poof – bög = My pal is a poof, because i saw him kissing with a guy.

willy – snopp =  I've heard that Besmir got a big willy.

hangover – baksmälla = I've was really drunk yesterday, now i got a really bad hangover.

bra – bh = I'm looking at the shop for a bra, cause my girlfriend's was stolen by a pervert.

application – ansökan = I'm doing my application for my job interview, and it's a there is Peter copying everything i'm writing.

obsolete – gammalmodig = My grandpa is so obsolete, he got a Nokia 3310.

foreman – förman, ”chef” = I'm the new foreman of Burger King

reckon – tro - I think i reckon you from the barbershop.

heights – höjder = I'm really afraid of heights, so i wont walk to the top of mountain.

brass – stålar (pengar) = I need to get some brass for my new bike i'm saving up for.

skills – kunskaper = I think i got some mad skills on English.

I'm not up to it. - Jag har ingen lust. = I'm not up to it, i'm really tired so i don't wanna go to Liseberg.

Don't give a toss! - Bry dig inte! = Don't give it a toss! I will help you with the english words.

I'm all in. - Jag är helt slut. = I'm all in now, i can't get up.

Nowt – ingenting = I lost all my money, so i got nowt.

weld – svetsa = You need to weld your sword so it doesn't get broken.

joint – skarv = 

Are things looking up? - Börjar saker och ting bli bättre? = Are things looking up now? Cause i saw that you won a lottery ticket.

Grace – elegans

relief – lättnad = I was running from the police and now i'm hiding in the bush. I think they are gone, what a relief!

obviously – tydligen = You are obviously wrong, 

responsibility – ansvar = You are responsibility of the health of these kids, cause you are their dad.

marvellous – underbar = You are so marvellous!

wishing well – önskebrunn = Oh! there is a wishing well there, wish something and throw a coin.

dodgy hip – Taskig höft

Blimey! Kors! Det var som sjutton!

We dare to be bare – Vi vågar vara nakna.

Grand – tusen spänn

You're ahead. - Du ligger före.

You're late – Du ligger efter.

Get rid of him! - Gör dig av med honom!

Go all the way – Gå hela vägen.

A laughing stock – narr, åtlöje

rehearsal – övning

emergency – nödsituation

trunks- badbyxor

niece – brorsdotter/systerdotter

delay – försening

in the buff – naken

laundry – tvätteri

bollocks – struntprat

charged – åtalad

appointment – avtalat möte

the social services – socialtjänsten

unemployed – arbetslös = My boss kicked me out from Mcdonalds, now i'm unemployed.

indecent – oanständig 

I can cope – jag kan klara mig = I think i can cope really, it's easy to handle 4 kids.

lawyer – advokat = I think you need a lawyer for shooting a innocent man.

allowed – tillåten = You are not allowed to go in this club, it's for women only!

twat – idiot = What a twat, he thinks he is better than me in soccer.

pecs – bröstmuskler 

fortnight – fjorton dagar

exposed – avslöjad = I'm gonna get you exposed for cheating your husband.

we're on – vi är med = we're on, so when are we gonna play?

obvious – tydligt = It says obvious that 1+1 is 2.

bob - ”spänn” 

on stage – på scen = This is my time now, i'm on stage and going to sing for hundreds of people.

suicide – självmord = I saw a guy who was top of an building, he was going to do suicide.

Do your stuff! - Gör din grej! = Do your stuff! I can do this by my self.

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